Data Driven Bike Sales

Put your customers on the perfect bike, every time. Increase P&A sales with components tailored for the perfected fit. Sell with authority and confidence.

Simple, Intuitive Interface

We built Pure Position so that it can be used by anyone. From your newest employee, to your lead fitter, everyone has the features they need to help customers make informed decisions. Managers can make sure that more advanced features are restricted for less experienced users.

Use Fit Data to Size Bikes

Comfort is one of the most important factors when choosing a new bike. Pure Position helps the fitter translate a rider's optimal position into a new bike.

Extensive Database

Our database is managed and updated as new bikes come to the market. If you have a brand/model request just ask! We use customer feedback to decide which brands to add into the database.

Premium Deliverables

Pure Position helps your customers leave your shop feeling satisfied and excited about the purchasing process of a new bike. They can leave with print outs of their fit sheet, and bike search results so they can continue the process of making a purchase decision with confidence

Informative Fit Sheets

Pure Position offers comprehensive fit sheets so you can take into account your customers' individual experience on the bike. Keep track of flexibility, medical history, and much more. Use your customer's information to give them a personalized bike or fit recommendation based on their specific needs.

How to use Pure Position

1. Enter Measurement Values

Choose between an XY tool, a size cycle, or stack and reach measurements. We have built Pure Position specifically to work with which ever workflow suits you. Input those measurements into the software to find new bike results that fit your customer.

2. Get the Results You Want

Use search criteria to filter out thousands of bikes that won’t work. Pure Position allows you to select component spec like stem length and angle, saddle setback, and so much more. This lets you get to the bikes your customer wants, and the ones that will fit them, quicker.

3. Work Together to Find the Best Solution

Work with your customer to find the bike that fits their body, riding style, and budget. Walk through bike setup and component customization options so they have the perfect right the first time they take it out of your shop. Create opportunities for P&A add ons with clear visuals to back up your recommendations.

1. Create a Comprehensive Customer Profile

Keep track of customers' contact information, bike collection, and fit history. Use the customer profile to keep in contact and remarked to customers, bringing them into your shop more often. Save fit sheet archives and import scans of old fit sheets in their profile to develop a complete understanding of their cycling history.

2. Build a Complete Understanding of the Customer's Needs

The fit sheet allows you to document everything that is relevant to a rider's strengths and limitations in fitting. Conduct strength and flexibility testing, review injury and medical history, and develop a complete understanding of your customer's riding experience.

3. Work Together to Find the Best Solution

Work with your customer to find the bike that fits their body, riding style, and budget. Walk through bike setup and component customization options so they have the perfect right the first time they take it out of your shop. Create opportunities for P&A add ons with clear visuals to back up your recommendations.
14 Day Free Trial
No commitment if cancelled before billed.

Simple Automated Billing

We use secure billing through Stripe to make sure your account is always up and running when you need it.


- Database updates with current model year
- Branded printouts for customers
- Multiple user accounts
- Unlimited search per month
- Bike configuration
- Document Management System
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